• me@johnwhall.art
  • Derby, UK

Children’s creativity with digital technology and media

A fantastic article by Debi Keyte-Hartland, Early Education Associate, offering insight and overview on the importance of children’s digital creativity and expressive uses of technology. There is a gap between an educator’s pedagogical understandings of play and how young children engage and play with digital technologies and media (Edwards, 2013). However, as digital technologies advance, educators will need to explore […]

LEVEL Residency Week 2

So much thinking happened during this week, and in such a short timeframe at the end of the week. I honestly didn’t know where this week would take me. I was refamiliarising myself with the physical AND digital spaces that I had been using. I knew I wanted to explore ways to represent the participant made work in a virtual […]

LEVEL Residency Lab Week 1

For this residency, my aim is to explore participatory practice through our conscious experiences of online and offline immersive creative spaces. This exploration, aligned with phenomenological philosophies and the basic intentional structure of consciousness, will delve into our first-person perspectives of collaborative physical and online spaces, and explore our individual conscious experiences and their relationship to others. Something I feel is informative to co-creation practices in immersive spaces.

Today is the day I start working on my DYCP, but a lot has happened so far!

My Arts Council England (ACE) Developing Your Own Creative Practice (DYCP) application focuses on upskilling myself in VR/AR technologies with the goal of developing methods of working for participant led engagement in immersive spaces. In short, I want to find ways for participants to be front and centre in the creation of immersive VR/AR work. This comes with the need […]

Rainbow Map

As a personal project, I want to celebrate as many of these creative symbols of hope as we can and create a ‘Rainbow Map’ of these Rainbows. If you’ve taken one of these pictures, then you can add to this Rainbow Map by going to https://bit.ly/2z6yU5D and: (I’ve created a ‘how to’ video below to help and you can also […]

When Digital Participation Becomes a Necessity: Online in an Out-of-Line World

We are currently living in an unimaginable time in our human history. Viruses have come and gone before, but never have we had such an ability to stay connected and access news, activities, education, entertainment and creative opportunities without leaving our homes. We are now participating in activities with more people worldwide than we ever have before. In the past […]

Spectrums of Digital Participation: Digital participation as participation in an artist’s digital practice

When we think of digital participation in arts and culture, we think of projects or works being led/created by demographics of ‘non-artists’. However, there are also those participating in an artist’s practice who are part of the creation of an artist’s work, rather than creating for themselves. These participants can vary from a specific community group to other professionals in the same or other art form(s).

Digital Interventions in Non-digital Participatory Engagements

Testing practice and new concepts Digital itself can be a barrier when engaging with the arts, either through perception of one’s own abilities and confidence, or an uncertainty of something unfamiliar. When working with digital in participatory practice, like participants themselves, digital can have a varied influence and impact on a project or workshop activity. There are participants who will […]