Organisation: Metro Boulot Dodo
Role: Participation and Outreach Lead/Designer
July 2022

Odyssey is a virtual reality live audio play experience, made over a 4 month period working with care experienced young people and families in Derby, UK. The project was a collaboration between MBD, Derby Theatre, Plus One project and University of Derby, and performed at the Derby College Roundhouse.
In a multi-layered live immersive theatrical experience, audiences were transported to imaginative virtual environments as part of a co-designed narrative using co-location VR, whilst young people performed the script and song live through an ambisonics surround sound set up.
The project was instigated by care experienced young people expressing an interest in immersive storytelling using XR technology and was an opportunity to not only provide access to this community, but to embrace them into the creative process and inspire future aspirations.